
I wrote the following on March 3rd in response to someone questioning my choices. I didn’t think to share it but now some wonderful things are happening and I want this here to look back on. 

I know without a shadow of a doubt I’m where I’m supposed to be. I was Jonah, I was running, I felt and fought the tug for 2 years. Looking back I don’t even recognize that person. I’ve grown so much.  He put me here in this place for a reason.  I don’t share much with the world anymore but that doesn’t mean that I’m not healing.  
 I’ve learned so much about myself and how to cope with the loses, toxic people, and now I’m figuring out who I am and how I can be better a version of me.  I know I couldn’t have done this kind of healing there. I am a better mom because of this. God put me in a place where all I could do was depend on him and I’ve learned so many lessons and now I can’t wait to see what’s next.
My faith and trust is in Jesus and I know He will provide for me and Brylee.  You may see broken, but I see mended. 


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